Trojan Health Interpretation Services


About Us

USC Trojan Health Interpretation Services (THIS) is a club that provides free health interpretation and translation services. We train bilingual students to become ad hoc medical interpreters. Our curriculum equips our members with extensive medical vocabulary and practice situations for interpreting at health fairs, community events, and many more situations.

Our services

Interpreting at community events

THIS has recently partnered with organizations to provide interpretation services for community events. Please email us if you would like us to interpret for your events.

Tutoring Services

We are ambitious to provide tutoring services to aspiring and current workers in the health field to increase their bilingual communication abilities including relevant vocabulary, medical etiquette, and associated grammar — send us an email if you are interested!

Educational events at nearby facilities

THIS can provide educational events with PowerPoint slideshows in the preferred language. These topics can include but are not limited to mental health, vaccines, women's health, and nutrition.

Interpreting for in person and telehealth appointments

THIS can interpret for any type of appointment; just email us if you are interested!

Translating documents

THIS can translate any document needed while maintaining confidentiality.