Avenues Consulting Group

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

Avenues Consulting Group provides the opportunity for pre-professional student leaders to further their ambitions, knowledge, and experiences through project-based networks locally in Los Angeles and beyond. We are dedicated to delivering unique, practical, and relevant consulting services that create true innovation, making, professionalism, ambitious, creative, and technical solutions for our clients and their needs. Avenues Consulting Group strives to create accessible, diverse, and, innovative opportunities for our equally unique members. By enabling professional and technical student backgrounds, we believe that consulting can be revolutionized with the knowledge of students from all majors and experiences.









Members Benefits

-Gain a business outlook in every industry -Provide students who are non-Marshall or business orientated majors and backgrounds to explore different industries -Create projects that can be used for applying to graduate school or entering a particular industry -Work with companies that adhere to students' professional interests and majors, while taking a consulting perspective -Express creativity in traditionally non-creative industries -More flexibility in business exploration for non-Marshall majors -Enables members to find a community of students with an entrepreneurial passion but, a pre-professional emphasis -Opportunity to gain industry experience, and potentially, connections with clients in industries -Participate in workshops, panels, guest speakers, and other business building foundations

Events & Activities

Be the first to know about what we have planned and add our group calendar to your schedule.

Exclusive Resources

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Cosimo Arnesano Profile

Cosimo Arnesano

University Advisor
Debra Erdenemandakh Profile

Debra Erdenemandakh

Delane Ly Profile

Delane Ly

Vice President - Founding Member
Jee Hoon Park Profile

Jee Hoon Park

Benjamin Reed Profile

Benjamin Reed

Director of Human Resources - Founding Member
Gabriel Sianipar Profile

Gabriel Sianipar

Director of Affairs - Founding Member
Jennifer Liu Profile

Jennifer Liu

Director of Professional Development General - Founding Member


Avenues Consulting Group

Los Angeles California 90089
United States