Happy Thursday! With midterm season in full swing, we hope you're finding moments for rest and relaxation during these busy days! To help add a bit of brightness to the upcoming weeks, TSA has many exciting upcoming events for you to look forward to! Scroll down to find out what we have in store!
Fun fact of the week: It's no surprise that USC has been featured in countless TV shows and movies. Two notable films that have featured USC include Legally Blonde and Forrest Gump!
First Generation Plus Success Center Therapy
The First Generation Plus Success Center offers dedicated therapy services for first generation, undocumented, former foster youth, and transfer students. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, click here!
USC PrideFest
USC LGBTQ+ History Month kicks off early with PrideFest, an annual celebration hosted by USC QuASA (Queer and Ally Student Assembly), featuring queer student art, music, and performances.
Visit McCarthy Quad tomorrow, September 29, from 5 to 9:30 p.m. for a celebration filled with vendors, art, performances, and food!
Queer2Peer Education Program
Queer2Peer (Q2P) is a USC Student Health peer education program that analyzes the roots and impacts of anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination at all levels, leading to stronger practices of safety and care for the community and its allies.
Q2P will train student leaders to educate other students and ally groups on LGBTQ+ issues to promote violence prevention, campus inclusivity, and healthier LGBTQ+ relationships. Applications for the program will close tomorrow, September 29, at 11:59 p.m. The application can be found here.
USG Financial Aid Callback System Survey
Fill out the Undergraduate Student Government's survey to help improve the USC Office of Financial Aid's voicemail system. Your input will help implement a call-back system, reducing your on-hold wait time. Access the survey here.