
This region is just before the top search and filters bar. Press Tab to continue.
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This region is just before the group list results. Press Tab to continue.
  • advocaSC

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Civic Engagement, Political, Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Pre-Professional, Academic, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Career, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Annenberg Cross-Cultural Student Association

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Academic, Social Awareness

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Indira Escobar

    Lifetime membership

  • Archaeology, Heritage, and Ancient & Material Culture

    School or Department - Ethnic/Cultural, Pre-Professional, Academic, Civic Engagement, Media/Publications, Social Awareness, Recreation, Campus Department, Career, Service, Social, Environmental/Sustainability

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Asian American Tutorial Project

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Academic, Social Awareness, Service, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Avenues Consulting Group

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Pre-Professional, Academic, Social Awareness, Career, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Bangladeshi Students Association

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Pre-Professional, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Recreation, Spiritual, Career, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Biokind Analytics USC

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Academic, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Community Health Involvement Project

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Creative Labs SC

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Academic, Social Awareness, Visual & Performing Arts, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Ameen Qureshi

    Lifetime membership

  • Descent Magazine

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Academic, Design Team, Media/Publications, Social Awareness, Visual & Performing Arts, Career, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • DSW Student Association

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Academic, Social Awareness, Career, Service, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Effective Altruism USC

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Pre-Professional, Academic, Civic Engagement, Social Awareness, Career, Service

    Website Mission

    Sign up for our mailing list here:

    Lifetime membership

  • Engineers Without Borders USA - USC Chapter

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Academic, Design Team, Social Awareness, Viterbi Student Organization, Service

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Environmental Justice Student Interest Group

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Academic, Health & Wellness, Political, Social Awareness, Service, Social

    Website Mission

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Lifetime membership

  • Flavors

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Media/Publications, Social Awareness, Recreation, Spiritual, Visual & Performing Arts, Service, Social

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Gamma Epsilon Omega Fraternity

    FSLD - Asian Greek Council - Social Awareness, Asian Greek Council, Service, Social

    Website Mission

    Contact: Tommy An, Andrew Bui

    Lifetime membership

  • Glimpse from the Globe

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Academic, Media/Publications, Social Awareness, Career, Social

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Global Brigades at Marshall

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Pre-Professional, Academic, Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Jewish Law Students Association

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Academic, Social Awareness, Spiritual, Campus Department, Career, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Lifetime membership

  • Keck Students For a National Health Program

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Social Awareness

    Website Mission

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Lifetime membership

  • Latine PA Student Association

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Academic, Civic Engagement, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Career, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • League of United Latin American Citizens at the University of Southern California

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Civic Engagement, Political, Social Awareness, Career, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Liberty in North Korea at USC

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Academic, Political, Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Lifetime membership

  • Love & Time USC

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Pre-Professional, Academic, Civic Engagement, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Ludus Remedium

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Social Awareness, Visual & Performing Arts

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Helen Culpepper

    Lifetime membership

  • Marshall Consulting Club

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Pre-Professional, Social Awareness, Career, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Lifetime membership

  • Marshall Women's Leadership Board

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Pre-Professional, Academic, Social Awareness, Career, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership


    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Pre-Professional, Academic, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Career, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Middle Eastern North African Student Assembly

    Student Government - Ethnic/Cultural, Social Awareness, Service, Social

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Mobile Clinic at USC

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Pre-Professional, Civic Engagement, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Career, Service

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • MYCO

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Academic, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Social, Environmental/Sustainability

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Order of Omega

    Fraternity & Sorority Leadership Development (FSLD) - Pre-Professional, Academic, Civic Engagement, Social Awareness, Order of Omega, Service, Social

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Peace Unity Love @ Sc

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Civic Engagement, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Recreation, Visual & Performing Arts, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Planned Parenthood Generation Action USC

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Civic Engagement, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Adilene Klink

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Lifetime membership

  • Pre-Med Asian Pacific American Medical Students Association of USC

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Pre-Professional, Academic, Social Awareness, Career, Service, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention and Services

    School or Department - Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Campus Department

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • SC Navigators for Health

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Academic, Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Sarah Bai

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Lifetime membership

  • Scholars Leading Scholars

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Lifetime membership

  • SecondCycle at USC

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Civic Engagement, Social Awareness, Service, Environmental/Sustainability

    Website Mission

    Contact: Ugne Koveraite

    Lifetime membership

  • SeeCing A Path Forward For Diabetes

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Civic Engagement, Health & Wellness, Media/Publications, Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Share a Meal

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Social Awareness, Service, Social

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Shift SC

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Academic, Social Awareness, Viterbi Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Siblings in Solidarity

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Lifetime membership

  • SpectrumSC

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Pre-Professional, Academic, Social Awareness, Career, Social

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Student Assembly for Accessibility

    Student Government - Ethnic/Cultural, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Career, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Student Assembly for Gender Empowerment

    Student Government - Ethnic/Cultural, Academic, Health & Wellness, Political, Social Awareness, Recreation, Service, Social

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Students 4 South Asia

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Academic, Civic Engagement, Social Awareness

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Rudra Saigal

    Lifetime membership

  • The Bridge Cultural Exchange Academy at USC

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Academic, Social Awareness, Campus Department, Career, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Lifetime membership

  • The Nucleus

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Academic, Design Team, Health & Wellness, Media/Publications, Social Awareness, Environmental/Sustainability

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Srikar Kolluru

    Lifetime membership

  • The Pad Project: USC Chapter (FreePadsUSC)

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Health & Wellness, Political, Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Tikkun Olam Makers: University of Southern California

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Design Team, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Trojan American Parliamentary Debate Union

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Pre-Professional, Academic, Social Awareness

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Lifetime membership

  • Trojan Health Interpretation Services

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Academic, Civic Engagement, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • Trojans for Hemophilia

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Service, Social

    Website Mission

    Contact: Mohamad Saadeh

    Lifetime membership

  • Trojans for Life

    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • U.S.-China Institute

    School or Department - Ethnic/Cultural, Academic, Civic Engagement, Political, Social Awareness, Campus Department, Career

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • USC Emeriti Center

    School or Department - Ethnic/Cultural, Academic, Civic Engagement, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Campus Department, Career, Service, Social

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lifetime membership

  • USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work Office of of Inclusion and Diversity

    School or Department - Ethnic/Cultural, Academic, Civic Engagement, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Service

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Viterbi GCSP

    Viterbi School of Engineering - Academic, Civic Engagement, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness


    Lifetime membership


    Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Ethnic/Cultural, Health & Wellness, Social Awareness, Recreation, Visual & Performing Arts, Social, Environmental/Sustainability

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Nia McMillan

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Lifetime membership

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