Advanced Composites Design Team

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

1. ACDT students' main mission is to attend the annual SAMPE/ASC international composites design contests. The team will provide all the necessary raw materials, equipment for manufacturing/testing, and knowledge required for such tasks. 2. The ACDT team has won multiple World Championships in the past. We defeated top university teams including UCLA, UofW, McGill U of Canada, and U of Tokyo of Japan, etc. ACDT will keep this spirit and win more trophies back to USC in the future.









Members Benefits

1. ACDT members will be able to attend the annual SAMPE/ASC International Composites Contests. 2. ACDT members will also be able to join the SAMPE/ASC societies as student members or professional members and be exposed to all kinds of advanced aerospace and automotive composites manufacturing, testing, and characterization technologies. 3. ACDT students will be trained by the team on multiple cutting-edge composites fabrication and characterization skills. 4. ACDT students via attending LA composites conferences (e.g. SAMPE, and CAMX), will build their professional networks via LA local aerospace composites industries e.g. Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Aerospace Corp, and Northrop Grumman, for their career development. We have sent our students to all the above-mentioned industries for internship and full-time positions. 5. Selected students will receive aerospace composites training as well as work with grad students on government agencies-funded research projects.

Events & Activities

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Wenyue Hu Profile

Wenyue Hu

Thomas Li Profile

Thomas Li

Vice President
Fatima Quadri Profile

Fatima Quadri

Bo Jin Profile

Bo Jin

University Advisor


Advanced Composites Design Team

Los Angeles California 90089
United States